
State Definitions

The following table provide details on the major States that are used within Tracker projects, and their definition:

State Definition
Closed All required changes/actions have been completed.  No further action will be taken on the issue.
Code Approved All coding has been completed.  The CMs are to move the new/amended objects/scripts to the testing environment.
Code Walkthrough The developer has completed the code changes and their ad-hoc testing.  The issue is now with a second developer to review the changes for errors, adherence to programming standards, etc.
Design Walkthrough Required for defects only.  The developer has documented the changes that are to be made on the Walkthrough and these are being reviewed by a second developer.
Design Walkthrough Reject The design walkthrough has been rejected.  This could be due to errors, omissions or oversights in the changes.
Detailed Quote Accepted The client has accepted the quote.
Detailed Quote Completed The detailed quote has been completed and reviewed and is now ready to be sent to the client.
Detailed Quote In Progress A detailed quote for a particular enhancement is currently being prepared.
Detailed Quote Rejected The detailed quote has been rejected by the client.
Detailed Quote Submitted The issue is now with the client for approval of the detailed quote.
Entered This is the default state of new issues logged by the client.  Issues at this state have either not been reviewed by the CSM, or alternatively have already been rejected back to the client, who have added additional information.
FD in Progress The functional design is in progress of being prepared.
HLE Accepted The client has accepted the HLE and we are now to go ahead with a detailed quote.
HLE Completed Notification to the CSM that the HLE  has been completed and is available to be sent to the client.
HLE In Progress HLE is currently being determined.
HLE Mgmnt Review The HLE has been forwarded to the SW Dev Mgr (and Product Manager) for review before sending to the client.
HLE Rejected The client has rejected the HLE.
HLE Submitted The issue is now with the client for approval of the HLE.
Mgmnt Quote Review The detailed quote has been sent to the SW Dev Mgr (and Product Manager) for review before sending to the client.
New - Dev The issue has been assigned to a Developer, but no work has been started.
New - TL A follow on from investigation states where issue has been passed on to the Team Leader
Object Pending The developer has identified what objects/scripts are required, and has requested the CMs to check the items out to the appropriate locations.
On Hold The client has requested that all work on the issue is to stop until further notice.  This may be due to the client deciding to hold-off on a requested enhancement.
Open The issue has been assigned to the developer.  All design requirements have been completed and the developer can commence coding.
Open - Test Reject The Test Analyst has found a problem with the Issue (eg, the problem still exists or new related problems have been identified).  The issue is returned to the developer for correction.
Open - Walkthrough Reject The developer conducting the walkthrough has found errors/omissions/oversights and has returned the issue to the developer for correction.
Business Investigation There is sufficient information supplied by the client to allow GBST to begin initial high-level investigation.  Issues at this state have been assigned to a Business Analyst for a review of business requirements
Technical Investigation There is sufficient information supplied by the client to allow GBST to begin initial high-level investigation.  Issues at this state have been assigned to a Developer for a technical review.
Pending Validation The amended code is now in the test environment and the issue is ready for final validation by a Test Analyst.
Re-Test The issue has been returned to the client for re-testing as we are unable to replicate it or the issue has been fixed separately and needs to be retested by the client in a version as advised by your CSM.
Rejected Has been rejected to the client as the issue does not contain sufficient information for GBST to conduct an initial investigation on the issue.
Return to GBST Only valid choice for clients to select when they have an issue at User Clarification or On Hold (valid owner will be Client Support Manager).  From this state, the CSM is to return the issue to the appropriate point of the lifecycle.
Send to Client Used to identify issues that are to be sent to the client for User Clarification or On Hold.  The owner of issues with this state should be the relevant CSM.
TD in Progress The technical design is in progress of being prepared.
User Clarification The issue has been returned to the client for further information.  This may include just requiring additional information.
Validated The Test Analyst has completed the final testing.  The amended objects/scripts are to be checked back in to the repository.

Abbreviations used in above table:

CSM – Client Support Manager

CM – Configuration Manager

DBA – Database Administrator

FTL – Functional Team Leader

HLE – High Level Estimate

SW Dev Mgr – Software Development Manager