
Conditions of Use

Client's are required to use this User Guide and follow the instructions contained therein at all times, when using the Help Desk to enter and update issues.

The client is responsible for the quality and level of detail contained in the issues they are entering into the Help Desk and assigning to GBST. The more information and the better quality of the information included in the issue and in any notes and attachments to the issue, the less likely it is that the Client Support Manager will reject the issue back to the client, requesting clarification, and the sooner the investigation into the issue will be able to be conducted by GBST staff.

Each client login has been configured with an individual or group email address as supplied by the client for the purpose of receiving automated email notifications from the system and for the receipt of user generated emails. It is the clients responsibility to ensure that this email address is kept up-to-date so that all system generated emails reach the intended recipients.

The client is responsible for ensuring that the Help Desk login password supplied by GBST is kept secure and limited to only those staff who are authorised to view, enter and update Help Desk issues. GBST will periodically change the login password, and will inform the client of the change in password and activation date of the new password, in advance.

The speed of entering, updating and adding attachments to Help Desk issues will be dependent on the Internet performance on the clients network

The Client Support Manager remains the central contact point for all queries regarding issues and regarding the Help Desk. If a client's designated Client Support Manager is absent from work, the client will be notified of the contact details of another person(s) at GBST nominated to cover the role.

The client is not to contact the GBST "owner" of an issue directly unless the owner is the Client Support Manager or unless expressly authorised by their Client Support Manager. GBST staff receiving phone calls or emails from clients when not authorised by the Client Support Manager will refer the caller or sender on to their Client Support Manager.

If the client is unable to access the Help Desk due to problems with the Internet, priority 1 and 2 (critical and high) issues may be logged with GBST using the fallback method of sending the Client Support Manager a Service Request form via email instead. The Client Support Manager must be informed that there is a problem accessing the Help Desk, in advance of emailing any Service Request form through.